AB Custom Bass. 4-saitiger bass von Zeal Guitars in dunkelgrün Metallic mit hellem Ahornhals, schwarzem Pickguard und chrome hardware.
HT Custom Guitar. Telecaster Design mit vintage messing finish.
Cupido Ringo I - Singlecut Gitarrendesign mit 5A quilted Maple top, blaugrau gebeizt. Zwei Humbucker, lila-braunes Kingwood griffbrett. Chrome Hardware und Pickup Kappen, Rückseite der Gitarre naturfarben hellbraun.
Cupido DP Custom, Singlecut guitar design mit flamed maple top und goldener Hardware. Zwei Humbucker und Palisander Griffbrett, gold-braune Farbe der Decke. Rückseite und Hals helles Holz naturfarben.
TH Custom 2. Hollowbody E-Gitarre mit quilted Maple Top, schwarzgrau gebeizt. 2 Humbucker, Ebenholzgriffbrett und feste Brücke.
Manodomi I. Hollowbody Jazzgitarre in Violin braun. Zwei Humbucker, Ebenholz Griffbrett, Bridge und Tailpiece.
Smaragd. Custom Shop Gitarren Design mit Candy Green Finish. Drei Singlecoils, ABM Tremolo in chrom, Ebenholz Griffbrett.
MZ50 Custom SInglecut. Les Paul Design mit flamed maple top in Tigereye finish mit 2 Humbuckern, Chrm Hardware und Palisander Griffbrett.


Handgefertigte Custom Gitarren nach Deinen Wünschen konzipiert und gebaut – ohne Kompromisse.
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I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic 
Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays.
Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS.

I had the pleasure to build this 4 string for Alex of @lio_rockmusic Featuring a nicely grained #swampash body with translucent racing green finish. The neck is made of roasted maple with 22 nickelsilver frets and ebony block inlays. Pickups by @haeusselpickups, hardware by @hipshotproducts and ETS. #luthier #zealguitars #guitar #handmade #music #woodworking #guitarist #guitarra #guitars #guitarmaker #electricguitar #luthieria #customguitar #guitarsofinstagram #lutherie #guitarplayer #guitarbuilder #handmadeguitar #wood #customguitars #guitarsdaily #guitarbuilding #guitarmaking #boutiqueguitars #whatsonyourbench #customshop #guitarlove
2 Wochen ago
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One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. 
On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510  backlock tuners, @babiczguitars  full contact bridge and an @amberpickups  humbucker.
One-off T-Design, made-to-oder for Holger! I've applied a coating of real goldbrass on the super leightweight Paulownia body. It's a very lively surface, since a patina is built up over the years, making it a truely unique piece. On the hardware side we have @g_gotoh510 backlock tuners, @babiczguitars full contact bridge and an @amberpickups humbucker.
3 Wochen ago
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Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael!
An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. 
If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉

#zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
Another beautyfull Cupido model named "Ringo", this time made-to-order for Michael! An outstanding quilted maple top with "faded denim" stain on a spanish cedar body, tastefully combined with a kingwood fretboard and matching pickup frames. If I had to build a guitar for myself - this one would be pretty close 😉 #zealguitars #luthier #quiltedmapletop #kingwood #singlecut #customguitars #whatsonyourbench
2 Monaten ago
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Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis!
Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. 
Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be!

#zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
Cupido Custom, made to order for Denis! Featuring @seymourduncanpickups and a @graphtechguitarlabs ghost piezo system. Wide flamed maple top on a red cedar body and a 5-piece laminated flamed maple neck. Super lightweight and versatile as an electric guitar can be! #zealguitars #luthier #flamedmaple #piezopickup #handmade #highendguitars #customguitars
2 Monaten ago
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